The Telangana State Board of Secondary Education (TSBSE) conducts the Secondary School Certificate (SSC) or Ts 10th class Hall ticket class exams every year for the students of Telangana. The exams are usually held in March or April, and the hall tickets or admit cards are released a few weeks before the exams. The hall ticket is an important document that contains the details of the student.

the exam center, the exam schedule, and the instructions for the exam. The hall ticket is also required for the verification of the student’s identity and eligibility for the exam. In this article, we will tell you how to download the TS 10th class hall ticket 2024 online from the official website of the TSBSE.
What is the TS 10th Class Hall Ticket 2024?
The TS 10th class hall ticket 2024 is the official document that is issued by the TSBSE to the students who have registered for the SSC or 10th class exams. Hall ticket is also known as the nominal roll or the admit card. The hall ticket contains the following information:
- The name and roll number of the student
- The name and code of the school
- The name and address of the exam center
- The date and time of the exam
- The subjects and codes of the exam
- The photograph and signature of the student
- The instructions and guidelines for the exam
The hall ticket is a mandatory document that the student must carry to the exam center along with a valid photo identity proof. Hall ticket is also required for the checking of the answer sheets and the declaration of the results.
Why is the TS 10th Class Hall Ticket 2024 Important?
The TS 10th class hall ticket 2024 is important for the following reasons:
- It is the proof of the student’s registration and eligibility for the exam
- It is the source of the student’s personal and exam details
- It is the means of the student’s identification and verification at the exam center
- It is the basis of the student’s seating arrangement and allocation of the exam hall
- It is the prerequisite for the collection of the answer sheets and the mark sheets
Without the hall ticket, the student will not be allowed to enter the exam center or to write the exam. The student may also face difficulties in getting the results or the certificates. Therefore, the student must download and print the hall ticket as soon as it is available and keep it safe until the end of the exam process.
When will the TS 10th Class Hall Ticket 2024 be Released?
The TSBSE usually releases the TS 10th class hall ticket 2024 in the month of January or February, a few weeks before the commencement of the exams. The exact date of the release of the hall ticket may vary from year to year depending on the exam schedule and the board’s decision. The TSBSE announces the date of the release of the hall ticket through its official website and other media channels. The students are advised to check the website regularly for the latest updates and notifications regarding the hall ticket.
How to Download the TS 10th Class Hall Ticket 2024 Online?
The TSBSE provides the facility of downloading the TS 10th class hall ticket 2024 online from its official website. The students can download their hall ticket by following these simple steps:
- Visit the official website of the TSBSE at
- Click on the link ‘TS SSC Hall Ticket 2024 Download’ on the home page.
- Select the respective district and the school from the drop-down list.
- Select the student’s name from the list and enter the date of birth.
- Click on the ‘Download Hall Ticket’ button to access the hall ticket.
- Save and print the hall ticket for future use.
The students can also download their hall ticket from the direct links given below:
- TS SSC Hall Ticket 2024 for Regular Candidates
- TS SSC Hall Ticket 2024 for Private Candidates
- TS SSC Hall Ticket 2024 for OSSC Candidates
- TS SSC Hall Ticket 2024 for Vocational Candidates
How to Check the Details on the TS 10th Class Hall Ticket 2024?
After downloading the TS 10th class hall ticket 2024, the students must check the details on the hall ticket carefully and ensure that they are correct and complete. The students must verify the following details on the hall ticket:
- The spelling and format of the name and roll number
- The name and code of the school and the exam center
- The date and time of the exam and the subjects
- The photograph and signature of the student
- The instructions and guidelines for the exam
If there is any discrepancy or error in the hall ticket, the students must report it to the school authorities or the board officials immediately and get it rectified. The students must also contact the board if they do not receive their hall ticket or if they lose their hall ticket.
What to Do if the Hall Ticket is Lost or Damaged?
The TS 10th class hall ticket 2024 is a valuable document that the student must preserve till the end of the exam process. However, in case the hall ticket is lost or damaged, the student must not panic and take the following steps:
- Inform the school authorities or the board officials about the loss or damage of the hall ticket as soon as possible.
- Request for a duplicate hall ticket from the board by submitting a written application along with the required documents and fees.
- Collect the duplicate hall ticket from the board office or the school before the exam date.
- Carry the duplicate hall ticket along with a valid photo identity proof to the exam center.
The students must note that the duplicate hall ticket is issue only in exceptional cases and at the discretion of the board. The students must also bear the responsibility and the consequences of losing or damaging their hall ticket.
What are the Instructions and Guidelines ?
The TS 10th class exam 2024 is a crucial exam that determines the future academic and career prospects of the students. Therefore, the students must follow the instructions and guidelines given by the board for the smooth and fair conduct of the exam. Some of the important instructions and guidelines are:
- The students must reach the exam center at least 30 minutes before the exam time and occupy their allotted seats.
- The students must carry their hall ticket and a valid photo identity proof to the exam center and show them to the invigilator when asked.
- The students must not carry any prohibited items such as mobile phones, calculators, books, notes, papers, etc. to the exam hall.
- The students must not indulge in any unfair means or malpractice during the exam such as copying, cheating, impersonation, etc.
- The students must follow the instructions of the invigilator and the board regarding the distribution and collection of the answer sheets, the marking of the attendance, the filling of the details, etc.
- The students must write their answers neatly and legibly in the prescribed format and language.
- The students must not leave the exam hall before the end of the exam time without the permission of the invigilator.
The students must note that any violation of the instructions and guidelines may result in the cancellation of their exam or the imposition of penalties by the board.
How to Prepare for the Exam
The TS 10th class exam 2024 is a challenging exam that requires a lot of preparation and practice by the students. The students must adopt a smart and effective study strategy to score well in the exam. Some of the tips and tricks for the preparation of the exam are:
- The students must follow the syllabus and the exam pattern of the board and cover all the topics and concepts of the subjects.
- The students must refer to the textbooks and the study materials prescribed by the board and avoid any irrelevant or unreliable sources.
- The students must revise the topics regularly and make notes and summaries of the important points and formulas.
- The students must solve the previous year question papers and the sample papers of the board and check their answers and performance.
- The students must identify their strengths and weaknesses and work on improving them.
- The students must manage their time and plan their study schedule according to their convenience and preference.
- The students must take care of their health and well-being and avoid any stress or anxiety.
What are the Benefits of the Exam 2024?
The TS 10th class exam 2024 is a significant exam that has many benefits for the students. Some of the benefits are:
- It is the basic qualification for the higher education and the career opportunities of the students.
- It is the measure of the student’s knowledge and skills in the subjects and the curriculum of the board.
- It is the certificate of the student’s completion and achievement of the secondary education level.
- It is the source of the student’s confidence and motivation for the future endeavors.
What are the Challenges of the TS 10th Class Exam 2024?
The TS 10th class exam 2024 is also a difficult exam that poses many challenges for the students. Some of the challenges are:
- It is a competitive exam that has a high level of difficulty and a large number of candidates.
- It is a comprehensive exam that covers a wide range of topics and concepts of the subjects and the curriculum of the board.
- It is a stressful exam that requires a lot of preparation and practice